Family Lawyer Haberfield

Need a Divorce Lawyer in Haberfield?

Movement Legal serves Haberfield and the surrounding areas of Sydney with exceptional family law services. Our team of experienced lawyers has helped many individuals in Haberfield to resolve conflicts and legal issues arising at the end of a relationship. We are committed to providing a compassionate approach, ensuring legal accuracy, and achieving favourable outcomes for our clients.

We understand that dealing with divorce, separation, and conflict is emotionally draining. Our focus is on empowering you and alleviating unnecessary drama. Our priority is always keeping your best interests at the forefront.

Family Law Services

Our services encompass a wide range of Australian family law matters. This is a complex area of law, and dealing with these sensitive issues can be extremely stressful. We are here to empathetically guide you through the process towards resolution and moving forward with your life.

Our experienced team is ready to provide expert advice and representation on various matters, including:


Before you can apply to the Courts for a divorce, you will need to have been separated for just over 12 months. However, you do not need to wait until then before commencing the property settlement process.

Financial Agreements

Agreements can be used as a way to protect assets before a relationship (also known as prenups), and they can be used as a way to bring finality to financial and property issues at the close of a relationship.


Children’s living arrangements and issues of shared parenting need to be negotiated and formalised at the point of separation. The interests of the child always need to come first.

Property & Assets

The division of property, finances, and assets can be a significant aspect of family law cases. We have the expertise to guide you through negotiations, ensuring a fair and equitable resolution. Our team will work tirelessly to protect your interests and achieve a favourable outcome.

Defacto Relationships

Defacto relationships have certain issues unique to them that can be different from married couples, including defining when it formally commenced.


Separation occurs when one party to the relationship communicates that the relationship is over to the other. It is important to mark that date as it will have important ramifications on the time limit when the property settlement can come before the Court.

Spousal Maintenance

Financial support from one partner can, in some situations, be ordered by the Court to be paid to another on an ongoing basis after separation. This is separate from child support.

Court, Litigation, and Disputes

When needed, you want a brave and capable team behind you. In situations where court intervention becomes necessary, we will be the capable team leading. We have a proven track record of effectively advocating for our clients’ interests in family law proceedings.

International Relationships and Family Law

Relationships and weddings that have occurred over international jurisdictions are increasing in regularity. We are versed in dealing with these situations.

Domestic Violence

Unfortunately, domestic violence and issues of abuse are too common. We can provide experienced guidance when dealing with these issues.

At Movement Legal, our lawyers are ready to assist anyone in Haberfield with their family law enquiry. We offer a complimentary 20-minute discussion to review your situation and determine the most suitable approach for your specific needs. Let us provide you with solid guidance during this challenging time.

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