How to Reduce “Court Stress”

By Kayla Curtis

· Read time: 2 minutes

Attending Court can be a stressful and emotionally charged time and you may often wonder how to manage and reduce this stress.

How to Reduce Court Stress

However, attending Court may be an effective and required tool to use if you cannot come to an agreement for the issue in dispute

Movement Legal is dedicated to making your legal matter journey as fluid and stress-free as possible. We have compiled a list of tips to help reduce stress before an appearance in Court.

  • Get a good night's sleep. Getting the correct amount of sleep is vital to reducing your stress levels and overall health. 
  • Be prepared. The saying “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” holds merit. In order to reduce your stress levels, make sure you are well prepared. This may mean having your documents well organised, arriving to court 20 mins early, or arranging a babysitter to care for your children while you are at Court. No one likes rushing at the last minute.
  • Follow the advice your lawyer has given to you. Your lawyer has completed years of academic training and rigorous work placement to ensure the services they deliver are ethical and legally sound. 
  • Ask questions. Your lawyer will be able to answer most if not all questions you have about the Court and the Court process. 
  • Take a support person. A support person can offer great comfort in helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. 
  • Have breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You may be feeling extremely nervous about your matter and might not feel like eating a big breakfast, but try and eat something small. Your body will thank you later. 
  • Keep hydrated. Hydration is a key element of our bodies overall wellness. 
  • Deep breathing. Yoga and meditation provide great breathing exercises to control nerves and stress. 
  • Keep a Journal. Writing down your feelings can be very therapeutic. 
  • Frequent exercise. Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and other disease. 

Keep things in perspective. Just remember your legal journey will come to a conclusion. The Court process can be a long and emotional journey and requires copious amounts of attention and preparation. Looking after your mental health is a priority. If you are feeling overwhelmed and require support, reach out to Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636

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