What is a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA)?
A Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) is a legally enforceable contract that outlines the financial arrangements between parties, in the context of a relationship breakdown.

BFAs address property division and financial matters on a contractual basis, without having to go to court.
This agreement serves as a way to protect the financial interests of both parties involved, offering a clear roadmap for the division of assets, liabilities, and financial resources in the event of the relationship coming to an end.
The term “prenup” is commonly used. It is an American term that refers to a financial agreement made prior to nuptials, ie before marriage. In Australia this is termed a pre-nuptial binding financial agreement. In this context, BFAs are particularly relevant for couples who wish to establish financial clarity before their relationship.
However BFAs can be entered into before, during, or after marriage or cohabitation.
What Makes a Binding Financial Agreement Binding?
A Binding Financial Agreement is legally binding, meaning that both parties are bound to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined within the agreement.
To make a BFA legally binding, both parties must voluntarily enter into the agreement, fully understand its implications, and receive independent legal advice.
This legal advice ensures that both parties are aware of their entitlements and obligations and prevents any undue influence or pressure.
Where BFAs typically encounter problems is where one party did not receive what can be considered independent legal advice.
The agreement must be in writing and signed by all parties involved.
Can a Court Set Aside Binding Financial Agreements?
While BFAs are designed to provide a legally binding framework for financial arrangements, they are not immune to challenges. In certain circumstances, a court can set aside a Binding Financial Agreement. These circumstances include cases where any of the below can be successfully demonstrated:
Fraud or Misrepresentation
If one party has engaged in fraudulent activities or misrepresented information during the creation of the agreement.
Undue Influence or Duress
If one party was forced or coerced into signing the agreement against their will.
Unconscionable Conduct
If the terms of the agreement are heavily biased towards one party and are considered unfair or unconscionable.
Material Change in Circumstances
If there has been a significant change in circumstances that makes the agreement impractical or inequitable.
How Do BFAs Work?
Binding Financial Agreements work by establishing clear guidelines for the division of assets, liabilities, and financial resources in the event of a relationship breakdown. The agreement can cover various aspects of financial matters, such as property ownership, superannuation, spousal maintenance, and other financial responsibilities. By setting out these arrangements in advance, couples can avoid potential disputes and legal battles in the future.
What Do BFAs Usually Cover?
Binding Financial Agreements can cover a wide range of financial matters, including:
Property Division
Determining how the couple's assets, such as real estate, vehicles, and investments, will be divided in the event of a separation.
Debts and Liabilities
Outlining how the couple's debts and liabilities will be allocated between the parties.
Addressing how the parties' superannuation funds will be divided.
Spousal Maintenance
Specifying whether one party will provide financial support to the other party after separation.
Financial Resources
Detailing the handling of joint bank accounts, investments, and other financial resources.
What Should a Lawyer Advise You on With a BFA?
When considering a Binding Financial Agreement, it is crucial to seek advice from a qualified family law lawyer. A lawyer can provide essential guidance on matters such as:
- Full Disclosure: Ensuring that both parties fully disclose their financial information to create a transparent and accurate agreement.
- Independent Legal Advice: Advising each party to obtain independent legal advice to understand the implications of the agreement fully.
- Negotiation and Mediation: Assisting in the negotiation process to reach a fair and balanced agreement that meets both parties' needs.
- Enforceability: Providing insight into the enforceability of the agreement and potential challenges that may arise.
Benefits of a Binding Financial Agreement
There are several benefits to having a Binding Financial Agreement in place:
- Certainty: BFAs offer a clear financial roadmap, reducing uncertainty and potential conflicts in the event of a relationship breakdown.
- Protection of Assets: The agreement safeguards individual assets and ensures that they are divided according to the agreed-upon terms.
- Customization: Parties can tailor the agreement to their specific financial circumstances and needs.
- Time and Cost Savings: Having a predetermined agreement can save both parties time and money that would otherwise be spent on legal proceedings.
Disadvantages of a Binding Financial Agreement
Despite their advantages, there are also some disadvantages associated with Binding Financial Agreements:
- Complexity: Creating a comprehensive and legally sound agreement can be complex and require legal expertise.
- Lack of Flexibility: BFAs may not account for future changes in circumstances, such as changes in income, employment, or family dynamics.
- Emotional Strain: Discussing financial matters in the context of an ongoing or early stage relationship can be uncomfortable for some, and has the potential to strain a relationship. So handle with care.
See our article here on the disadvantages of Binding Financial Agreements.
Can a Binding Financial Agreement Be Terminated?
A Binding Financial Agreement can be terminated in the following ways:
- Mutual Agreement: If both parties agree to terminate the agreement, they can sign a new agreement to replace the existing one.
- Court Order: Parties can apply to the court to have the agreement set aside if they can demonstrate valid reasons for doing so.
- Expiration: The agreement may include an expiration date or a clause that outlines when and how the agreement will come to an end.
Alternatives to a Binding Financial Agreement
If parties are uncomfortable with a Binding Financial Agreement, they can consider alternative options:
- Consent Orders: Couples can apply to the court for consent orders, which are legally binding agreements approved by the court. These orders cover similar financial arrangements as BFAs.
- Postnuptial Agreements: Similar to prenuptial agreements, these agreements are made after the marriage or de facto relationship has begun.
- Informal Agreements: Couples can opt for informal agreements, but these may not provide the same level of legal certainty and enforceability as formal agreements.
Can a Binding Financial Agreement Be Overturned?
Yes, a Binding Financial Agreement can be overturned by a court under specific circumstances, such as fraud, duress, unconscionable conduct, or significant changes in circumstances.
How Strong Is a Binding Financial Agreement?
A Binding Financial Agreement is legally binding as long as both parties have received independent legal advice, fully disclosed their financial information, and entered into the agreement voluntarily.
Are Binding Financial Agreements Enforceable in Australia?
Yes, Binding Financial Agreements are enforceable in Australia if they meet the necessary legal requirements and have been executed correctly.
What Happens If You Break a Binding Agreement?
If a Binding Financial Agreement is breached, the non-breaching party can seek legal remedies through the court system, such as seeking compensation or specific performance of the agreement's terms.