Child Impact Report: Understanding the Assessment Process

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· Read time: 5 minutes

A Child Impact Report is a comprehensive document that is prepared to determine the impact of family disputes and custody battles on a child. 

Child Impact Report

Separation can trigger adjustment issues in children that hopefully become resolves after an initial shock. At other times however it can last longer - particularly when a separation or divorce is dragged out over years.

The goal of this kind of report, is for the Court to get a sense of how the divorce, separation and related issues are affecting the children. The report will guide the Court in the decisions they make around those issues that directly effect the children (eg custody, visitation etc).

The document is important in deciding the best interests of the child and the parenting arrangements. 

Who Prepares the Report?

The Child Impact Report is typically prepared by an independent family consultant or a court-appointed child expert. The expert conducts an interview with the child, parents, and any other relevant person and observes the child in their environment. The expert then prepares the report based on their observations and findings.

It is crucial to note that the expert's role is to provide an independent opinion to the court and not to advocate for any party's interests. They consider the best interests of the child, and ensure the child's views and feelings are heard and taken into account.

What is the Assessment Process?

The Child Impact Report's assessment process involves several stages, including interviews, observations, and document reviews. 

The process begins with the expert conducting interviews with the child, parents, and any other relevant person. 

The expert will also observe the child in their home and school environment to evaluate their daily life and interactions with others.

After the interviews and observations, the expert will review any relevant documents, such as school reports, medical records, and court orders. 

The expert will then prepare a report based on their observations, findings, and analysis of the collected information. 

The report outlines issues such as:

  • the child's living arrangements
  • family dynamics
  • any concerns or recommendations for the child's well-being.

How Should You Prepare Your Child to Meet with the Court Child Expert?

Meeting with a court-appointed child expert can be overwhelming for a child, especially if they are aware of the family dispute or custody battle. 

Parents can prepare their child for the meeting by explaining why the expert wants to talk to them and how it can help them. 

Parents can reassure their child that the expert is independent and not on anyone's side, and they can be honest and express their feelings.

Parents can also discuss the interview process with the child, explaining what they can expect during the interview and that they have the right to express their views and feelings. 

Parents can also support their child during the process by being present during the interview and providing comfort and reassurance.

Issues of Share Ownership

A common issue that arises in Child Impact Reports is the question of share ownership of the report. 

The report is usually considered confidential and only shared between the expert, the court, and the parties involved in the proceedings. However, some parties may seek access to the report for various reasons.

In cases where one party seeks access to the report, the court may order that the report be disclosed to the parties involved. 

However, this may depend on the circumstances of the case and the best interests of the child. The court may also impose conditions on the disclosure, such as limiting the dissemination of the report or prohibiting its use in other proceedings.


What is the difference between a family report and a child impact report?

A family report and a Child Impact Report serve a similar purpose of determining the best interests of the child. However, a family report focuses on the family's dynamics and relationships and provides recommendations for the best interests of the child. 

On the other hand, a Child Impact Report focuses on the child's welfare and the impact of the family dispute on the child's life.

What is the report or interview process?

The report or interview process involves the expert conducting interviews with the child, parents, and any other relevant person. The expert will also observe the child in their home and school environment to evaluate their daily life and interactions with others. 

After the interviews and observations, the expert will review any relevant documents, such as school reports, medical records, and court orders. 

The expert will then prepare a report based on their observations, findings, and analysis of the collected information.

What happens after the Child Impact Report or Family Report is completed?

After the Child Impact Report or Family Report is completed, it is usually provided to the court and the parties involved in the proceedings. 

The court may consider the report and the expert's recommendations when making decisions regarding the child's best interests and custody arrangements.

The report may also be used as evidence in court proceedings, and parties may use it to support their case. 

However, the report's admissibility and weight may depend on various factors, such as the expert's qualifications, the scope of the report, and the relevance of the report to the issues at hand.


In conclusion, Child Impact Reports play a crucial role in family law proceedings by providing a comprehensive understanding of the impact of parental separation or divorce on children's lives. 

By incorporating real-life examples, analysing the assessment process, and offering recommendations, these reports assist the court in making informed decisions that prioritise the best interests of the child. 

Understanding the significance of Child Impact Reports empowers parents and legal professionals to navigate the complexities of family law with empathy and consideration for the well-being of the children involved.

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